
Privacy Policy

  Your privacy is top priority to us, and this privacy policy explain how we collect, use and protect your information. Apps in this account ask for the access of following information which is necessary for the settings of the all apps. Take Pictures and Videos: This permission allows Zee Factor Apps to use your device camera to take photos and turn On/Off camera flash. We do not save or upload photos or videos. Read your contacts: Zee Factor Apps does not save or upload your contacts. Ad serving Technology: Zee Factor Apps may disclose Non-personal data to third parties or allow third party to collect Non-personal data through their own embedded system. In order to deliver ads to you the third party advertisement companies may place or recognize unique cookies and identify non-personal information. We use Admob, Facebook Audience Network ,StartApp Admob by Google For more information please visit Google Privacy Policies. Facebook Audience Network Policy: Using Facebook Audience Netwo